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Creating and editing briefcase formats

In addition to the BlueCielo proprietary briefcase format, users can work with briefcases in alternative formats that you can define. A briefcase format specifies the command lines invoked by Meridian to use third-party programs to add documents to or extract documents from briefcases. This allows you to use any archive program for creating briefcases compatible with Meridian. By default, Meridian includes alternative briefcase formats that use WinZIP and WinRAR.


To create or edit a briefcase format:

  1. In Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Application Link Settings. The settings for each link appear in property pages in the right pane.
  2. Click the Briefcases tab. The briefcase settings page appears in the right pane.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the settings.

    Tip    To export the settings file to your computer, click the Export button. This can be useful if you would rather edit the file in your favorite text editor. You can then copy your changes to the Clipboard and paste them into Configurator.

  4. Locate the Formats definitions section indicated by a commented line that begins with a semicolon. This section lists the different briefcase formats included in the configuration.
  5. To edit a briefcase format:

    To create a new briefcase format:

  6. Edit each setting using the descriptions in the following table, the comments in the configuration text, and the documentation for the third-party program that will produce the briefcase.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.
Briefcase format settings
Option Description


The name of the briefcase format as you want it to appear to users.


The command line to run to add documents to an archive file. To specify the command-line parameters of the third-party program, use the variables described in the following table.


The command line to run to extract documents from an archive file. To specify the command-line parameters of the third-party program, use the variables described in the following table.


The command line to run to remove documents from an archive file. To specify the command-line parameters of the third-party program, use the variables described in the following table.

The following table describes the variables passed by Meridian to each command line.

Briefcase format setting variables
Option Description


A system variable created during the installation of WinZIP. If the third-party program you use might be installed in different locations on client computers, set the location in a system variable to use a common command line. You can use any system variable.


The password that is typed by the user during briefcase generation.


The briefcase file name including the path.


When a briefcase file is created, it is first created in the user’s local temporary directory. It is then moved to the directory specified by this variable.

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Understanding briefcases